Apart from transforming your smile, a trip to the dental office can also help minimize the appearance of unwanted lines on your skin. Oral health care professionals can also administer wrinkle-free treatment for you.
You may be asking, isn’t this type of treatment outside the field of dentistry?
While you are probably used to hearing wrinkle-free treatment provided in a specialist office, this treatment is fast becoming a common trend in dental offices.
Dental professionals acquire training to perform this procedure and they are also highly knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to facial structure and anatomy. Wrinkle-free treatment from your dentist can do more than deal with wrinkles on the skin.
Botulinum toxin type A is usually applied around the lips, between and around the eyes, and on the forehead. It works by blocking nerve activity in the muscles. This then prevents muscles from contracting and as a result reducing dynamic motion that causes the appearance of wrinkles.
It is mostly associated with treating fine lines on the skin but it can also help improve your oral health in many ways.
It helps relax overactive jaw and facial muscle, hence reducing Temporomandibular Joint pain. It can also be used to help patients who are getting dentures done. Tight muscles are relaxed, making new dental prosthetic feel comfortable when worn.
It also helps maintain results after using orthodontic devices such as braces. Receding gum or low gum line is as well reduced.
As with any dental treatment, it’s important to first ensure that it is the best dental solution for your needs.
Your dentist will conduct an oral examination and discuss your overall health with you. Let them know about the goals you’re looking to achieve after receiving the treatment. From here, you and your dentist will see if wrinkle-free treatment will deliver your desired results.
So if you have any questions about the treatment, please feel free to ask your dentist. Proceed only when you’re confident that your dental team fully understands your needs.
Wrinkle-free treatment can only be administered by trained medical professionals.
The next time you need your mouth checked and hope to minimize unwanted lines on your face, you no longer have to visit separate practices
Improve your oral health and soften lines on your skin!
Contact us today at (587) 317-9903 more about the amazing benefits of wrinkle treatment.
Phone: (587) 317-9903
Fax: (403) 568-8703
3735 Rundlehorn Dr NE #3B
Calgary, AB
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